This is my second channeling of Professor Robert McEvoy. December being a crazy time of year I have found it tricky to do "Cafe Sunday" well. So my second sitting was on a Wednesday. Thank goodness for holidays. Thank you Robert for being so flexible for me. When writing the date I felt I needed to also write the Omega sign above. This is a symbol for one of my guides but as Robert fed me the words I realised that the Omega held other significance.
Donna: Hi Robert
Robert: Hi to You
D: So I am late, I am sorry about that. I will try and be
more punctual
R: Good
D: So what am I doing today?
R: Talking to me!
D: Obviously
R: I want to work on Channeling with you
D: Me too!
R: You need to clean yourself… Cleanse I mean
D: What with?
R: Water. You do not need to do a question answer thing with
me. It will be easier if you just write what I send
R: So let’s begin
You are right I was sending this to you this morning.
(I was in the shower and the phrase “our Joshua” came into
my head)
R: Showering…water acts as a message relay. The frequency is
easily amplified by water. That is why scrying with water and crystal helps
mediums and gypsy types. So... be with water a lot more and it will help our
energies meet.
(I grab and eat a
D: Last one
R: I spoke to you last time about taking responsibility for
your health and not always using a Dr. Ordering a salted caramel slice is
contrary to my advice.
D: I know but it is Gluten Free!
R: Really! And that means what exactly?
D: Exactly.. It is my excuse (I felt like I was being
scolded and did not like it)
R: so next time it will just be green tea.
D:Quan yin is here too. Is that right?
R: She is always around you. It’s a past life thing… One of
your wealthier lives. I guess you experienced excess in a different way in that
D: So I am experiencing excess in this life too?
R: You know you are. Think about it. (He was right)
My mechanical pencil was not easy to use.
D: I have to get a better pencil
R: Yes
D: So
R: Let’s begin. It will be about Joshua
He was a lonely boy, orphaned, destitute in the 1900’s. A
street urchin, blond brown hair, pushed wet against his head as the rain fell.
He was different. He could filter the world for what it was. He took what he
needed and lived hand to mouth. He instinctively knew how to survive. Instinct was strong. He lived in boxes in
alley ways using dried grass as a cover. He drank water from puddles.
D: England?
R: Scotland... Edinburgh.
The summer was easier but the winter was harsh. He took
refuge in cellars. With open doors for liquor deliveries, he would sneak in and
hide behind kegs and barrels. The air was damp and musty, inhaling moisture
mixed with the smell of hops. In winter he used scrap cloth and tied it around
his feet and ankles for some protection. Old cleaning cloths were found in the
maids buckets that were washed in the alley ways. His existence was hard and
that is why he did not live a long life but he did live and survived a time on
his wits. Fagin's quarters would have been a luxury to him but he lived and
survived solely on his guile.
He dreamt of running through heather fields with sunshine on
his face. This dream helped him stay and live with hope. That is how he
survived. That dream seemed so real to him. What he did not know was that this
was a parallel life he lived when events unfolded differently for him.
So while this dream kept him hoping and wishing in this current
timeline, the despair of his life was a nightmare that made the other Joshua grasp
harder to his fortune and luck. He was grasping it so tight that he could not
share it with anyone else. Yes, in this life he lived longer with the warmth of
daily porridge to aid his growth and set his day with the feeling of fullness
that he did not want for too much. This Joshua was more resilient but hardened
with his nightmare of poverty that he became less generous of spirit.
This Joshua too was a loner but one of self affliction for
fear of others taking from him. He developed mistrust of others. He focused too
hard on his fear of losing what he had, that he could not enjoy the benefits of
his life. He became thrifty and mean of spirit.
Our Joshua had loneliness, as others saw him as a burden and
pushed him away. He however appreciated the morsels left to him by parlor maids and women of the street. His mother “God rest her soul” was one of them.
He saw kindness and generosity in others and developed a warmth of spirit in
his short life. The days of sunshine were seen as such gifts. He would bask and
give thanks for the warm sun on his face, taking him to his dream, which was
coming true. He experienced true freedom.
Although he felt tied to the city streets for food and
shelter, he knew the road would lead him to open fields. On the odd occasion he
would steal a ride in the back of a cart that took him beyond the city limits
and for one morning he would touch the green of the trees and the lengths of
grass along the road side. He would then walk back along the way to the city
returning under the cover of darkness. Industry meant smoke filled the air but
the smell of peat burning was what he was used to. One day however he stayed
too long. He walked too far into the rolling hills and became lost. As night
fell he had no shelter but laid back to watch the night sky pass by. There were
no clouds tonight but what a performance from the heavens. It was a sky he did
not see from the city landscape. He was normally inside by dark and did not
venture out with all the drunkards moving around the streets. This sky was such
a splendid feast for the eyes that he laid back and took in the vista. There he
lay till he fell into a restful slumber feeling so rich in the magnificence of
his day. He had lived his dream.
"This Joshua's" story continues.
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