Saturday, 2 September 2017

Spring Cleaning

After listening to Alison and Kari’s DNA talk from the Shiny show, I went out to clean my pool.

It is the 2nd day of spring in Sydney Australia, the sun is out and I am taking in the rays. I think my Higher self has started telling me a story.

So, the sad news is the pool was filled with debris, plastic bags and lots of leaves and twigs left over from an intense month of wind, some trips away from home, wet weekends and general neglect. As I had finished skimming all the leaves from the surface, I could see so much more rubbish at the bottom of the pool. I don’t like to vacuum this stuff up as I have to keep stopping to clean out the basket and turning off and on the filter. It is so much easier to remove what I can from the bottom first and then do a residual vacuum. Besides, it gives me a mini workout while enjoying the sun!

 As I begin to run my scoop over the bottom of the pool, I get some leaves and twigs but in the process the water becomes more clouded and soupy and those slippery suckers are moving around everywhere and seem to hang in a thickened water. I cannot see the bottom clearly anymore. So I move to another part of the pool and start the process again, making the same mess but slowly working away and cleaning up my pool.

With a spiritual awakening, a Kundalini Rising or just an event, some stuff just comes up and needs to be cleared out. We can bury stuff and let it sink to the bottom of our soul pool (to be dealt with later) or these experiences can start a whole process, a questioning of our purpose, a roller coaster of emotions attracting more experiences. Your soul just got a little soupier but it has been stirred up for a reason and it now easier to be sucked out or released. 

Easy is probably the wrong word to use as it has taken me a lot of searching and personal work to get this far but I look back and know how far I have come.

After I give myself a Transference Healing or having a Light Language healing, I know stuff has been stirred up ready for release so I take care of myself for a few days and continue to bring lots of light in and continue to run energy. 
I have heard people say, “I just had a healing” so why am I not feeling so great. It’s not working” I now understand why.

So, go get some lovin’ energy healing.
Tend your soul, do the occasional backwash to clean your filter, open the waste valves for the dross,
clear out the filter basket regularly to stop the blockages and give your soul pool a top up of high frequency rays. 

And enjoy your swim.