Monday, 28 November 2016

A series of events that seemed so unrelated started to converge and here I sit in a Café with my notebook and pen ready to meet Professor Robert McEvoy. Ready to start a conversation. I had been chomping at the bit to get here and start, and now I am waiting at the mercy of spirit, wondering if it is my ego about to make this all up or my ability to channel starting to manifest.

I know he is here
D: I want to get to know you first. You seem like a man of integrity to me or that is what I sense.
R: I cared for everyone around patients, my staff, my wife...Oh my wife, my family. To me they were all family.
D: I Googled you to see if you existed and I found a photo. I sense green behind you... rolling hills with an outlook from a large window.I think it's a Golf Club of sorts or an estate.
R: I know your father over here. We play golf together.
D: OK 2 Scots Robb and McEvoy eh, playing the Scottish pastime..
D: I am glad you have a sense of humour. That means you and dad are laughing a lot together.
R:We always laugh
D:Good. That is one thing I miss about my Dad. He liked to laugh.
R: He loves you
D: I know
I start to get a little teary at this point, blurring my notebook. I take a sip of my tea.
R: Pull yourself together. I am here 'cause I want to work with you. You need to tell others about me.
D:Really! I have my doubts that I would be believed by professionals.
R:It is not professionals I am targeting but families. They will believe
D: Oh Ok
D:So what exactly are we going to do together.
R: I talk, you listen and scribe.
D:Ok so I am your lackey!
R:Yeah! Somewhat
D: I know you are laughing but Serious as well
R: Serious, Yeah! Somewhat. I believe this is what I am working on over here

I stared at my food that was getting cold on the table
D: Wait..
I then took a few bites of my food.
D: This is great food
R: I know. I remember but it would be nice to taste this all over again. I enjoyed my food and the pleasures of life
D: So what was your purpose in your life as Dr Robert McEvoy? Are you a Professor?
R: Yes. I loved kids. I still do. I had a relative with Autism and it always concerned me so. Now that I am here, I am wanting to help. It is my interest... how the brain works in children's development. That is why Paediatrics is my field. So much can happen from pre-natal to post natal development. It's all about wiring. Intriguing.
D: You know I worked with children early in my career as I do now but in a paramedical  field. I found egos amongst many and to a degree myself. I thought I knew it all and could work out things just by thinking things through.
R:You were Uppity!, but then we did not have the technology to tell us much and today it is the same. The more that is discovered, the more questions arise but things are cleared now and there is much knowledge... But yes EGO is a big part of people in powerful positions
D: Did you have much ego?
R:Yes but maturing and life can help you see... knock if out of you. Things happen to make you realise you can not control everything or have all the answers. It is not take a pill, go home and you will feel better in the morning anymore. People need to be more active, involved in their own health and not give responsibility to the Doctors all the time. It is usurping power over self to a degree. There are times when Doctors are needed of course but they are not the panacea to all ailments.

I felt I needed to write "CO2" but I don't know why!

R:So is that enough information for you
D: There will always be questions from me. That is who I am.
R: I know. You have a bossy Higher Self...No judgement though...she just nudged me. Ouch! If I could feel... Spiritual nudge.
R:James your guide is Negro by the way. Just to let you know.

Yes I had got that real Harlem Globetrotter feel when I first connected with him. So it is nice that Dr Rob confirmed that for me.

D:So what were your great achievements
R: You mean besides golf!
D; Yeah. You want to work through me for a reason so I just want to know more.
D: You are showing me leaves. Was that your garden
R:Yes late in my life. Giving back was important. The garden was an interest and  as I gave to it, it gave so much more to me. So what else. Why did you contact me?
D:Correction, you contacted me. After you told me through a medium that  you were waiting for me. I was given instructions to set a regular time for me to contact you. Mind games??!!
R:Keeping it interesting. Let's write a book shall we?
D:Ok. When do we start?
R: We already have! I am having a conversation with you.
D;So what? "Conversations with Professor Robert McEvoy"
R: That is a start but let's see what transpires... shall we?
D: Were you born in the USA or Scotland. I am getting an accent but feel you lived in the states a while
R:I emigrated
D: Like my Da did
R: not post war but later

I automatically thought of a Scottish Dr I used to see when I was younger. He had a Scottish brogue but practiced now in Australia.
D: Where did you study? I get Edinburgh
R: At first, then I specialised over in the US
D: Was it at St Andrew's University. I saw that online last night and have been drawn to so many things Scots. It is insatiable.
R: That was me giving the McEvoy nudge
D:Did you look like James McEvoy when you were young? I'd like that!
D: So Robert
D: Sunday..I will call it Café about 2pm next week.
R: Yes. Then we will start. I like pencil better than pen. I like your book you bought. It makes it all official if we use that.
D: Ok I will ask though  if there is any technical stuff you need to say then spell it out and if you must I also like pictures. I am happy for you to talk to me as well so the message is clearer.
[I am Claircognisant so things just come to me. This is what I am doing as I write this blog. I sometimes get pictures (Clairvoyance)  or words (usually in songs)]
I then recalled an incident at work when someone said something in my ear but no one was there.
D: Was that you?
R: No That wasn't me. It was your Higher Self talking.
D: Thanks for the confirmation. Go play golf with Dad and Da in the sunshine
R: Shall do.